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Meet Your Host | Gretta Power

Meet your host Gretta Power of The Bungalow Farmhouse, a modern bungalow in stunning County Kilkenny. Gretta's home is also a Farmstay Welcome B&B so guests are welcome to take part in the farm activities that are taking place at the time of their visit like feeding the lambs and horse. Guests can also watch Sean making silage/hay, rounding up the sheep or the can just go for a casual stroll around the farm. Find out everything there is to know about Gretta, her home and the local area in our weekly Meet Your Host interview below.

What are the hidden gems close to your home?

  • Kilkcooley Abbey
  • Culahill mountain walk

What is your favourite guest story?

I had a family of 6 people staying and over a cup of tea I discovered they were looking for their relatives in the Kilkenny area. After a quick chat I soon discovered that the grave yard they were looking for was quite close. They mentioned the name of their relatives but it didn't mean anything to me as the name was not native to this area. I gave them directions to the grave yard and came back into the kitchen. I then had a ureka moment and thought this name is pronounced quite differently than they described. I returned into the sitting room and explained that not only did I know the name but I also knew the family were living quite close and I would contact them to see if I was right. I will never forget the joy on their faces when I told them this and after a quick phone call their relatives arrived and the happy reunion took place.

What is your signature dish?

I am famous for my scones seemly as everyone comments on them!!

Is there anything about your home that is quirky?

We live on a working farm so with all the animals anything can happen around the house!

Have you ever had any famous guests?

Oh I couldn't say!

What is your favourite thing about the area you live in?

The beauty of the landscape and quietness at night yet I am close to anything I want to go to. Our location is just off the M8 so we are just 1.5 hrs from Dublin, Cork, Galway and Limerick. A lot of my guests use here as a perfect location to explore.

When you are not looking after your guests what is your favourite thing to do?

Travel. I meet so many people from all over the world, it has given me the travel bug. I take off in November when I close the bed and breakfast for the winter and try and visit a different place every year.

What are your top three attractions in this country?

  • Kilkenny Castle
  • Kilkenny City
  • Cashel and Hollycross Abbey is quite close too

We'd like to thank Gretta for taking the time out to take part in our Meet Your Host interview. If you'd like to find out more on Gretta's home make sure to check out The Bungalow Farmhouse.

Stay at The Bungalow Farmhouse

Posted: 28 May 2015 by Niall McKee | with 0 comments

Tags: Farmstays, Kilkenny

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