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Northern Ireland's Year of Food and Drink 2016

Are you ready for a food and drink filled year? Northern Ireland certainly are!
This year they are showcasing the best of their food and drink and presenting the people with the passion to make, cook and serve it.

So what does this mean for us?

It means that we can enjoy Northern Ireland’s finest food. From the hand-picked home grown foods to freshly baked breads, delicious cakes and finely distilled beverages, you are sure to find something that will tickle your taste buds!
The good news is, it’s a year long event so you have plenty of time to experience the blends of fine food and drink in Northern Ireland. Around every corner you will find food trails, farmers markets, bake offs and restaurant recipes that are sure to enhance your visit.

For 2016 our B&B hosts are concentrating on their delicious home cooked breakfast and home baking to promote Northern Ireland’s year of food and drink. An Irish breakfast consists of a combination of rasher, sausages, white and black pudding, mushrooms, tomatoes and eggs - a tasty treat that will set you up for the day! When you visit Ireland tasting the traditional Irish breakfast is a must!


B&B Ireland’s top tips to experience Northern Ireland’s Year of Food and Drink

  • Experience the traditional Irish breakfast.
  • Sample the local delicacies of each area you visit.
  • Get lost in a food market.
  • Try a local gin, cider or craft beer.
  • Join a food trail to learn more about local foods.
  • As well as enjoying fine food from the restaurants… try the local pub grub!

Book a B&B in Northern Ireland


Posted: 05 Feb 2016 by Karen Kelly | with 0 comments

Tags: Ireland, northern

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