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Irish Farmhouse Brown Bread Recipe

This Irish Farmhouse Brown Bread Recipe is the type of bread that our B&B hosts like to home-bake for their guests. There is nothing nicer than waking up to the smell of freshly baked brown bread! Try this Irish Farmhouse Brown Bread recipe yourself, so easy to prepare and will be a hit with everyone!

IngredientsIrish Farmhouse Brown Bread Recipe

12 ozs Coarse brown wheaten meal
8 ozs Plain strong white flour
3 Handfuls of bran
2 Handfuls of wheat germ
11/4 – 11/2 Pints of fresh milk
1 Dessertspoon treacle
1 Dessertspoon oil
1 Level teaspoon salt
2 Heaped teaspoons of baking power

Preheat oven 240C / 475F
2 x 2lb loaf tins – greased


1.  In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
2.  Add treacle and oil to 11/4 pint of milk and stir into dry mix.
3.  The mixture at this stage should be soft and moist. If too dry add some more milk, but do not make it too wet.
4.  Spoon into the prepared tins and smooth tops, making a slight hollow along the centre of each.
5.  Sprinkle with bran or sesame seeds.
6.  Place in oven and bake for 20 minutes.
7.  Reduce oven temperature to 150C/300F and continue to bake for a further 30 minutes.
8.  Remove bread from oven and turn loaves out onto a wire rack to cool.

Tip: To test if bread is cooked, it should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom of the loaf.

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Posted: 02 Oct 2017 by Claire Regan | with 0 comments

Tags: B&B recipes, Irish Farmhouse Brown Bread, Irish recipes

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