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Make a break for Ireland’s Ancient East

Visit Ireland’s Ancient East and discover a region of rich green fields and stunning scenic beauty that is defined by a fascinating history spanning 5,000 years brought to life by some of the best storytellers in the world.


Posted: 07 Jul 2020 by Claire Regan | with 0 comments


Spooky Sites Along Ireland's Ancient East

With the days getting shorter and Halloween just around the corner, we’ve decided to go on the hunt for the spookiest sites along Ireland’s Ancient East, a historic land with 5000 years of history.


Posted: 10 Oct 2018 by Niall McKee | with 0 comments


Ireland's Ancient East

It‘s with great excitement that visitors to Ireland will be able to experience the wealth of heritage and culture that Ireland has to offer through the recently launched ‘Ireland’s Ancient East’ experience.

Posted: 15 Apr 2015 by Claire Regan | with 6 comments


Love Ballykissangel, Love Avoca

Ballykissangel was a really popular television drama back in the 1990s and the picturesque village of Avoca in Co Wicklow, was the actual setting for this iconic series.

Posted: 12 Nov 2014 by Claire Regan | with 0 comments


Holiday Activities in Wexford

Wexford is a truly wonderful holiday destination with activities that will suit all the family. A stunning region located on the south-east of Ireland, Wexford enjoys milder weather conditions and is a magnet for visitors.

Posted: 12 Sep 2014 by Claire Regan | with 0 comments

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