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Meet Your Host | Eileen Murphy

Eileen Murphy - The Orchard Bed and Breakfast, Newcastle West, County Limerick.

Eileen Murphy is the proud owner of The Orchard Bed and Breakfast, a stunning house over 100 years old with old-world charm overlooking rural countryside.

What are the hidden gems close to your home?

  • Desmond Castle, Newcastle West.
  • Great Southern Trail.
  • Franciscan Friary, Askeaton.

What is your favourite guest story?

All of them. I love to hear about guests lives and family and see the similarities with ours.

What is your signature dish/food?

Guinness Cake is a favourite as well as Lemon Marmalade. (made from a vegetable!!!)

 Is there anything about your home that is quirky?


Have you ever had any famous guests?

We have had many. The Mayor of the Borough of Manhattan has stayed with us.

What is your favourite thing about the area you live in?

The green fields. This abundance of fresh grass, most of the year provides us with the most amazing food. Beef, lamb, chicken, milk, cheese, yoghurt and duck eggs!

When you are not looking after your guests what is your favourite thing to do?

Talking to them. Listening to their stories. Telling them about my former life in Africa.

What are your top three attractions in this country?

  • Barna Gap over looking Newcastle West.
  • The Dursey Sound.
  • Crossing the Shannon.
  • Ballybunion Beach.

We'd like to thank Eileen for taking part in the interview. For more information on their home you can go to The Orchard Bed and Breakfast.

Posted: 21 Nov 2014 by Niall McKee | with 0 comments

Tags: B&B Hosts, Limerick, Wild Atlantic Way

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